Roy Huggins created the American Western-themed comedy television series Maverick. James Garner portrayed the deftly witty cardsharp Bret Maverick on the ABC series, which lasted from September22, 1957 through July8, 1962. Eight episodes into the first season, he was joined by Jack Kelly as his brother Bart, and from then on, Garner and Kelly rotated protagonists week to week, occasionally teaming up for a two-brother episode. The Mavericks were poker players from Texas who toured across the American Old West and on Mississippi riverboats, continually getting into and out of life-threatening danger of one kind or another, typically involving money, ladies, or both. They would often have to evaluate a money windfall against a moral conundrum. Since both Mavericks were incredibly moral, their consciences frequently overcame their bank accounts. Roger Moore was cast as their cousin Beau Maverick following James Garner's departure from the series following the third season due to a legal disagreement. Later in the fourth season, Robert Colbert appears as Brent Maverick, the third Maverick sibling. In most episodes, only one of the series' main characters featured.