Little Einsteins
Little Einsteins is an animated television show on Disney Junior. The quiz series has been developed for television by Douglas Wood who created the characters and concept, and a team led by JoJo's Circus co-creator Eric Weiner along with Emmy awardwinning director Olexa Hewryk, and produced by The Baby Einstein Company and Curious Pictures. The first episode of the Little Einsteins Television series premiered in Japan on TV Tokyo on October 5, 2005 and at the United States around the Disney Channel on October 9, 2005. On the Disney Channel, the next season of the series premiered in Europe around Christmas time, and on October 8, 2007, it aired also in Japan, on Playhouse Disney Japan.
Little Einsteins was created to show that the prospective demographic art and music appreciation by integrating famous or significant artworks and music. The series is also built to boost viewer interaction. At the mission's close, Leo says Mission Completion! And the small Einsteins do exactly the Curtain Call. On another mission Watch you at the end of the Curtain Call! , then the curtains close and in Phase 2 a That segment.
Released: 2005-10-09
Duration: 24