Felix Austria
The scandalous affair that took place between Stefania Chornenko, a maid, and Adelia Anger, a member of a noble family in the provinces of Austria-Hungary in the year 1900 provides the setting for the story's central conflict. The fire claimed the lives of Stefania and Adelia's mothers as well as Stefania and Adelia's dad. The orphan who belonged to Adelia's neighbors was taken in by Adelia's father. The girls were raised together and had a relationship that was almost identical to that of sisters, despite the fact that Stefania was employed as a maid. This relationship eventually evolves into a love-trap, which is characterized, on the one hand, by mutual manipulation and jealousy but, on the other hand, by care and commitment. When Adelia marries sculptor Petro, it throws off any sense that the world is in equilibrium. When Joseph, an old love interest of Stefa's who is now married and serving as the town's priest, returns to town, everything gets even more complex. Illusions are doomed to vanish, and reality is destined to become more clear.
Released: 2020-01-16